Video Games with amazing UI's:
This game is about a group of young thieves led by a talking cat who wish to bring about social change by exposing the crimes of those in power. I could talk for a long time about how I love this game, but I'm here to talk about the topic relevant to the class: The UI. It's absolutely stylish. For example, the red GIF shows off a menu that the player can open at any time to check their inventory, how their characters are doing, how close the player character is with other characters, and other things. As you scroll through menus, your character reacts in the background as the menu shifts. The other gifs are of the same concept, except in the green one it's a clerk at a weapons shop and in the blue one it's a doctor selling you medicine.
This is a racing game that takes place in the future. The menus are all clean and easy to read, while in the background you see a stylized race. Everything in the UI definitely looks like it belongs there. The creators also have made many fictional car companies as well, giving them all their own logos to reflect their style, showing off graphic design capability as well.